
SAP & Co
When connecting to ERP systems, its always a balance act between use of the somehow limited integrated layout design in the ERP and required flexible customer related layout design.
We can help to create your our own solutions with our middleware or workshops for direct printer control or using Loftware APIs.


Label Printing in SAP & Co

With the integration of label printing in SAP & Co, there are 3 generic approaches: use of the internal form designer, driving printers directly in its printer language or use a middleware. Each of this solutions has its advantages and disadvantages and needs to be checked against your requirements.

We can assist you in all three versions and also offer a server-based Middleware for the integration. No matter which solution you choose, you will find a competent partner with us.

Save Admin Resources

The Loftware printer drivers simplify administration when it comes to print parameters. Settings for label printing can be adjusted to match print requirements in 3 places: the label design, in the printer driver itself (server or workstation) and additionally in the cloud via Control Center.

When connecting to SAP & Co, this significantly expands the options for adjusting the print settings outside of the systems. This allows settings that have a strong impact on printing performance and speed.



Middleware LABEL ID Connect

Secure master data from SAP & Co associated with a very flexible layout design is always a challenge. How often labels are created customized for your end customer! The costs for this plus time required for integration in the ERP system are often very high.

LABEL ID Connect is a middleware and provides a simple interface to the ERP system with layout creation in Loftware Designer. Low one-time costs for integration, but absolute flexibility in layout design with use of uptodate ERP master data.