
Apple Solutions
Whether cloud solution or private cloud: the use of mobile devices is becoming increasingly important. As info display, to collect data or to start printing on mobile or Cloud printers.
The Loftware Integration System enables the integration of mobile devices via various methods. These can also be adapted to each device and requirement by our development team.


For cloud solutions we work exclusively with our partner Loftware and their Loftware Cloud products. This belongs to the various cloud subscriptions and also the local Label Management Software products.

Cloud and Smartphones

With LMS and cloud solutions in particular, mobile devices such as smartphones or modern PDA devices can make processes much more convenient and secure. From barcode scanning of a production order including printout, up to the validation of GS1 barcodes with test report transfer as PDF document, there are a number of possibilities.

LMS installations offer small advantages over the cloud when it comes to mobile connections, as data can be sent directly to internal IP addresses and even shared directory access is possible. In the cloud version, the Loftware Cloud API is used to implement mobile solutions.

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Development iOS and Android

When developing applications for Android and especially for Apple iOS, there are a number of special requirements to consider. The development environment is subject to constant change and previous solution approaches must be updated to current technology for every project.

Our development department has been developing applications for the AppStore and Android Playstore since 2011 with a focus on solutions in label printing and barcode scanning or verification against current specifications like GS1, HIBC or ANSI. Use our competence in your projects when integrating mobile devices into the cloud solutions.

Cloud Printer

Our iOS Cloud Printer is an application that allows you to scan a GS1 barcode with your iPhone, decoding the data and uses it to load a cloud label in order to print out a storage label on a mobile printer. Last but not least, a very good example of cloud integration with Apple devices.

The application contains all important functions to display layouts, printers and images in the cloud. Details about the available layouts are also shown and finally barcode scanning with printing including a print preview.

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